G&P Udalosti a novinky

Prípadová štúdia: Spoločnosť G&P pomáha výrobcom OEM v automobilovom priemysle urýchliť program výroby EV

Vložil Maria Holmes-Keeling


Keďže vláda uložila výrobcom automobilov náročné ciele, aby do roku 2035 zabezpečili, že všetky nové automobily budú mať nulové emisie, jeden výrobca začal rozsiahly program na zintenzívnenie vývoja, výroby prototypov a prípadnej výroby vlastných batérií, elektrických pohonných jednotiek a vozidiel.

Keďže program bol v plnom prúde, výrobca OEM zistil, že chce zrýchliť tempo vývoja nových technológií.

30 Aug 24

BLOG – Cultural fit is key for talent acquisition

Vložil Maria Holmes-Keeling

Today, companies are looking to get a better cultural fit with new members of both permanent and temporary staff, more so than ever in my 30 plus years’ in recruitment.

The pace of change in the last two years, undoubtedly driven by the pandemic and supported by improvements in technology, is far quicker and intense than it has ever been.

13 Aug 24

G&P to address skills gap shortage at Cenex

Vložil Maria Holmes-Keeling

Leading quality management services provider, G&P, will be making its debut at this year’s Cenex Expo, in a bid to help OEMs, tier suppliers and technology developers bridge the skills gap currently associated with low carbon vehicle and connected automated mobility development and manufacturing.

07 Aug 24

More military recruits for quality management firm

Vložil Maria Holmes-Keeling

Leading quality management service provider, G&P, is boosting its ranks with the recruitment of even more ex-military service personnel.

Already employing several former armed forces staff, G&P has found the skills, training and work ethic that comes with a military background complementary to its own core values and the type of work it carries out for many of its manufacturing clients.

28 Jun 24

Long-serving employees celebrated

Vložil Maria Holmes-Keeling

More than 30 long serving employees have been recognised by quality management provider, G&P, for their commitment, loyalty and dedication in a series of presentation events.

23 May 24

BLOG – An industry of opportunity

Vložil Maria Holmes-Keeling

For many businesses and individuals, the springtime is one of change and new beginnings. Whether it’s the start of a new financial year, or simply the start of the new season, it’s a time that’s filled with much potential and the promise of new life.

09 Apr 24

Svojim partnerom po celom svete poskytujeme služby akosti od roku 1994.

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G&P Quality Management s.r.o. Karpatská 8, 81105 Bratislava, Slovakia

    +420 487 520 786          +420 487 521 411